
放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2020-07-09  浏览次数:1169
  only the Tathagatas attain parinirvana, as all the faults that should be removed have been eliminated to achieve the ultimate purity. Arhats and pratyekabuddhas still have their remaining faults, and hence they have not achieved the ultimate purity. Saying that they attain nirvana is an expedient of the Buddha.
  The Lions Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle great expedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra
  [Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
  Arhats and pratyekabuddhas have not achieved the ultimate purity because they still harbor such faults as habitual seeds and advanced vexations; they cannot even reach the realization state of bodhisattvas. Therefore, it is just the Buddhas expedient teaching to say that they have realized nirvana. They have not really realized nirvana. Why can all Buddhas attain the ultimate nirvana but not arhats? It is because arhats still have terror, fear and plenty of ignorance that will induce false imagination on what they do not know. Therefore, the state which they attain is neither ultimately perfect nor Tranquil.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra,Vol. 2, p. 51
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