
放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2020-07-09  浏览次数:1485
  Therefore, Queen Srimala, you should embrace the trueDharma in order to reveal the truth to sentient beings, toteach and guide them towards enlightenment, and toestablish them in the Dharma. Queen Srimala, such way ofembracing the true Dharma will bring forth such greatbenefits, great merits, and great effects. Queen Srimala,even if I spent asamkhyas and asamkhyas of eons toelaborate on the functions and benefits of embracing thetrue Dharma, I could not fully explain their significanceand advantages. Therefore, embracing the true Dharmawill generate immeasurable and innumerable functions andbenefits
  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehiclegreat expedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra[Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
  Therefore, there are two aspects to consider in theembracement of the true Dharma. First, the Dharma thatyou embrace must correspond to the truth. The mindrealized in the causal stage must be identical to the oneattained upon enlightenment in the fruition stage; youcannot possibly convert the conscious mind of the causalstage into the True Suchness─the Undefiled Vijnana─tobe realized upon future enlightenment in the fruition stage.If the true minds attained in those two stages weredifferent, then your realization must be erroneous. Second,you must embrace the true Dharma with a view to helpingand guiding sentient beings, with a compassionate mindentirely directed to their benefits; only then will you beembracing the true Dharma in the correct way.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra,Vol. 1, p. 316
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