
放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2020-07-09  浏览次数:1222
世尊! 我从今日乃至菩提,不自为己受畜财物; 凡有所受, 悉为成熟贫苦众生。
  World-Honored One! From now on until the time ofattaining Buddhahood, I will not accept oraccumulate any property for myself. All that Iaccept will be used only to mature the conditionsfor the poor and suffering sentient beings to move
  towards Buddhahood.
  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle greatexpedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra [SrimaladeviSimhanada Sutra]
  This means that only by eliminating one’s selfishnesscan one get quick achievement on the way toBuddhahood. Eliminating one’s selfishness is thecorrect way of thinking. All selfishness must beeliminated; otherwise, it is impossible for one to reachthe First Ground, not to mention becoming a Buddha.Therefore, in order to benefit and guide sentient beings,one must act with such a mindset so that one does nothave an insatiable greed for external assets.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra, Vol. 1, pp. 142-143
标签: 电子书

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