
放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2020-07-08  浏览次数:1179
虽行无起, 而起一切善行,是菩萨行。
  Practicing the dharma of non-arising yetperforming all virtuous deeds--such is the practiceof bodhisattvas.
  Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
  After personally realizing the Tathagatagarbha,bodhisattvas observe that it does not have any mentalreactions such as greed, anger and the like with respectto all dharma, nor does it produce any mental reactionseven when the conscious mind is in the states of joy,anger, sorrow, delight and so forth. Yet bodhisattvaswho have personally realized the Tathagatagarbha canwitness that though it dwells in tranquility and does notgenerate any mental reactions, it nonetheless enables theconscious mind to bring forth all virtuous deeds; yet,when the conscious mind is benefiting sentient beings,no thoughts or mental reactions arise from theTathagatagarbha. To teach and guide sentient beings insuch a way life after life--namely by practicing thedharma of non-arising, while at the same timeperforming all wholesome deeds--such is the practice ofbodhisattvas.
  A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p. 25
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