
放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2020-07-08  浏览次数:1057
  If not believing in the teachings that all dharmasare empty, illusory, without all appearances, and unconditioned innatures, those sentient beings are not eligible for Buddha’sdisciples; likewise,Buddha is not their teacher.The Sutra Spoken by Buddha While with His Hands Touching the LotusFlowers Contributed by Bodhisattvas, Vol. 1
  In human realm, the five aggregates (five skandhas) are alwaysdwelling somewhere and changing. However, the embryo-enteringconsciousness is neither dwelling nor changing in all dharmas of thethree-realms sincebeginningless time. As long as the five aggregates(including the subtle part or even the extreme subtle part of ourconscious cognizing mind) exist, they shall dwell in the states ofthe six sense-objects. On the other hand, the embryo-enteringconsciousness creates the states of the six sense-objects but isaway from the seeing, hearing, perceiving, and knowing of the sixsense-objects. Therefore, it never dwells in any state of the sixsense-objects of the three-realms.The Correct Meanings of “The Agama Sutras”, Vol. 5
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